Legal notice
1. Privacy information for Art Hotel Commercianti Customers
2. Privacy information for Art Hotel Commercianti Suppliers
3. Privacy information for Art Hotel Commercianti received CVs
1. Privacy information for Art Hotel Commercianti Customers
Customer information
In accordance with the regulations in force concerning personal data (EU Regulation n. 679, 2016) we wish to inform you that your personal information is collected with honesty, for lawful ends and protecting your rights.
The management of your data is taken care of with the help of computers for the following purposes:
To acquire and confirm your booking of accommodation services and other services (such as your license plate number to allow your access to the controlled traffic zone), and in general to provide the services you request. The management of your data will stop as soon as you leave, but some of your personal information might or will continue to be managed for the purposes stated as follows.
To fulfil the obligation required by the Act consolidating public safety laws (“Testo Unico delle leggi di pubblica sicurezza”, article 109 R.D. 18.6.1931 n. 773), which states that we must communicate customers’ information to the central police station for the purposes we are indicating and in accordance with the modalities established by the Ministry of the Interior (decree 7th January 2013). The communication of your data is mandatory, and it does not require your consent. In case of refusal to communicate your data, we will not be able to accommodate you in our structure. The acquired data for these purposes will not be kept, unless you give us consent to save it as stated at point 4.
To fulfil the administrative, accounting and fiscal obligations in force. For these purposes the management of your data is carried out with no requirement for your consent. The data is managed by us and by our representatives and is communicated externally only in the fulfilment of legal obligations. In case of refusal to communicate the necessary data for the above stated fulfilments, we will not be able to provide the required services. The data acquired for these purposes will be kept for the time established by the regulations (10 years, or over in case of fiscal verifications).
To quicken the registration procedures in case of possible stays in our structure in the future. For this purpose, after we obtain your consent that you can revoke at any time, your data will be kept for a maximum of 5 years and will be used the next time you come to our structure for the purposes that were previously stated.
For the fulfilment of the function of message and phone call reception, or in case we need to contact you during your stay. Your consent is required for this purpose. You will be free to revoke your consent at any time. The management of your data will cease anyway as soon as you leave.
To send you our promotional messages and updates on prices and offers. For this purpose, after we obtain your consent, your data will be kept for a maximum of two years and will not be communicated to anyone. You will be free to revoke your consent at any time.
For the protection of people, property and the company’s holdings by way of a video surveillance system in some areas of our structure that can be identified through the presence of specific signs. Your consent is not required for this management, as it is in our own interest to protect people and goods from possible aggression's, theft, damage, vandalism and for the purposes of fire prevention and workplace safety. The recorded content will be automatically deleted after 24 hours, except on holidays and other occurrences for which the structure may be closed, but in any case, within a week’s time. This content will not be communicated to anyone, unless we need to respond to a specific investigative request by the authorities.
We also wish to inform you that European Regulations grant you the rights of access and amendment of the content, elimination, limitation or opposition to the management of content, together with the right to transfer the data, if it can be applied (articles 15-22 of E.U. Regulation n. 679, 2016). You can also make a complaint to the authorities in accordance with the procedures included in the regulations in effect.
If you need any further information or if you want to claim the rights granted to you by E.U. Regulations, you can address:
Management representative: Hotel Commercianti s.r.l., via de’ Pignattari 11 Bologna, Post Code 40124
E-mail: info@arthotelcommercianti.it
Certified E-mail: commercianti@pec.ascom.bo.it
Privacy Agreement Art Hotel Commercianti s.r.l.
I, the undersigned …………………………, in accordance with the regulations in force concerning the protection of personal data (E.U. Regulation n. 679, 2016), having received the information about the management of my personal data,
□ allow
□ do not allow
The receiving structure to keep my personal information to quicken the registration procedures in case of future stays in the structure.
□ allow
□ do not allow
The receiving structure to send to my home or to my e-mail address periodical documents about prices and offers from the hotel.
Date and signature …………………………….
2. Privacy information for Art Hotel Commercianti Suppliers
In accordance with the regulations in effect concerning the protection of personal data (E.U. Regulation n. 679, 2016) we wish to inform you that your personal information is collected with honesty, for lawful ends and protecting your rights.
The management of your data is taken care of with the help of computers for the following purposes:
To acquire and confirm your booking of accommodation services and other services, and in general to provide the services you request. Since this management is necessary to define the contract and for its following fulfilment, your consent is not required. In case of refusal to give your personal data, we will not be able to confirm the booking or to provide the services you request. The management of your data will stop as soon as you leave, but some of your personal information might or will continue to be managed for the purposes stated as follows.
To fulfil the administrative, accounting and fiscal obligations in force. For these purposes the management of your data is carried out with no requirement for your consent. The data is managed by us and by our representatives and is communicated externally only in the fulfilment of legal obligations. In case of refusal to communicate the necessary data for the above stated fulfilments, we will not be able to provide the required services. The data acquired for these purposes will be kept for the time established by the regulations (10 years, or over in case of fiscal verifications).
For the protection of people, property and the company’s holdings by way of a video surveillance system in some areas of our structure that can be identified through the presence of specific signs. Your consent is not required for this management, as it is in our own interest to protect people and goods from possible aggressions, theft, damage, vandalism and for the purposes of fire prevention and workplace safety. The recorded content will be automatically deleted after 24 hours, except on holidays and other occurrences for which the structure may be closed, but in any case, within a week’s time. This content will not be communicated to anyone, unless we need to respond to a specific investigative request by the authorities.
We also wish to inform you that European Regulations grant you the rights of access and amendment of the content, elimination, limitation or opposition to the management of content, together with the right to transfer the data, if it can be applied (articles 15-22 of E.U. Regulation n. 679, 2016). You can also make a complaint to the authorities in accordance with the procedures included in the regulations in effect.
If you need any further information or if you want to claim the rights granted to you by E.U. Regulations, you can address:
Management representative: Hotel Commercianti s.r.l., via de’ Pignattari 11 Bologna, Post Code 40124
E-mail: info@arthotelcommercianti.it
Certified E-mail: commercianti@pec.ascom.bo.it
3. Privacy information for Art Hotel Commercianti received CVs
In accordance with the regulations in force concerning personal data (EU Regulation n. 679, 2016) we wish to inform you that your personal information is collected with honesty, for lawful ends and protecting your rights.
The management of your data is taken care of with the help of computers for the following purposes:
To acquire and confirm your booking of accommodation services and other services, and in general to provide the services you request. Since this management is necessary to define the contract and for its following fulfillment, your consent is not required. In case of refusal to give your personal data, we will not be able to confirm the booking or to provide the services you request. The management of your data will stop as soon as you leave, but some of your personal information might or will continue to be managed for the purposes stated as follows.
To fulfil the administrative, accounting and fiscal obligations in force. For these purposes the management of your data is carried out with no requirement for your consent. The data is managed by us and by our representatives and is communicated externally only in the fulfillment of legal obligations. In case of refusal to communicate the necessary data for the above stated fulfillment, we will not be able to provide the required services. The data acquired for these purposes will be kept for the time established by the regulations (10 years, or over in case of fiscal verification's).
For the protection of people, property and the company’s holdings by way of a video surveillance system in some areas of our structure that can be identified through the presence of specific signs. Your consent is not required for this management, as it is in our own interest to protect people and goods from possible aggression's, theft, damage, vandalism and for the purposes of fire prevention and workplace safety. The recorded content will be automatically deleted after 24 hours, except on holidays and other occurrences for which the structure may be closed, but in any case, within a week’s time. This content will not be communicated to anyone, unless we need to respond to a specific investigative request by the authorities.
We also wish to inform you that European Regulations grant you the rights of access and amendment of the content, elimination, limitation or opposition to the management of content, together with the right to transfer the data, if it can be applied (articles 15-22 of E.U. Regulation n. 679, 2016). You can also make a complaint to the authorities in accordance with the procedures included in the regulations in effect.
If you need any further information or if you want to claim the rights granted to you by E.U. Regulations, you can address:
Privacy information for received CVs.
In accordance with the E.U. Regulation 2016/679 concerning the treatment of personal information, including sensitive data, the personal information given on hiring requests with attached CVs is collected for the sole purpose of managing staff selection procedures. The management will be carried out with the aid of computers at Hotel Commercianti s.r.l., via de’ Pignattari 11 Bologna, Post code 40124.
E-mail: info@arthotelcommercianti.it
Certified E-mail: commercianti@pec.ascom.bo.it
The data might be communicated to Hotel Commercianti s.r.l., some information might be known by the society employees, particularly those working in the Staff Office, etc.).
The communication of personal data is necessary for the management of staff selection procedures, and if it is not specified it will be impossible for us to fulfill our obligations before the drafting of an agreement and to give information about staff selection procedures.
We also wish to inform you that European Regulations grant you the rights of access and amendment of the content, elimination, limitation or opposition to the management of content, together with the right to transfer the data, if it can be applied (articles 15-22 of E.U. Regulation n. 679, 2016). You can also make a complaint to the authorities in accordance with the procedures included in the regulations in effect.
Management representative: Hotel Commercianti s.r.l., via de’ Pignattari 11 Bologna, Post Code 40124
E-mail: info@arthotelcommercianti.it
Certified E-mail: commercianti@pec.ascom.bo.it